Digital Literacy and Computer Science

The Technology Lab in Morris Elementary School uses two sets of standards: the Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Sciences and the ISTE Standards for 21st Learners. These standards allow students to explore computer science using computational thinking and problem-solving skills. We use collaboration skills and the design process to work together to explore problems and find solutions. Students will also build their knowledge of computer science, problem-solving skills, and computational thinking using physical computing tools such as Legos, Makey Makey's, Micro: bits, and other robotic devices.
Another part of the standards that we address in the Technology Lab is Digital Citizenship. Our students need to understand the ethics and responsibility to be a good digital citizen. Students learn how to locate and evaluate information to allow them to learn from the highest level of information available to them. We spend time discussing how the web is organized, how technology is affecting our society, and what steps they can take to mitigate the more harmful aspects of social media's influence on their lives. Students also learn about copyright and fair use of information on digital platforms. The goal of the Digital Literacies program is to give students the tools to use technology to demonstrate their knowledge, gain information that is of the highest quality, and allow them to understand to effect technology has on themselves and society.