LMMHS: 413-637-5560 Ext. 2
Confidential Fax: 413-637-5531
Welcome to the Health Offices of the Lenox Public School System. Here you will find information regarding school health issues, updates about what's happening in the Health Office such as mandated screenings and state required health documentation, as well as school health related forms.
As school nurses, our mission is to foster the growth, development, and educational achievement of all students by promoting health and wellness in a safe and supportive environment. Our goal is to minimize illness and support individual health care needs, allowing students to access academic curriculum to the best of their abilities.
People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Maya Angelou
Morris 8:30-3:30pm
LMMHS 7:30-2:30pm